Senior School Welcome Packet
We are excited to welcome everyone – including returning students and incoming freshmen – back to campus at the end of the month for another fantastic school year.
We want to ensure that your family also has the information you may need about daily life here at SSA and what to expect during the first week and beyond.
Opening Days
- Opening Days Calendar
- New Parent Orientation
- New Student Orientation
- Academy Opening Day & Convocation
- Additional Important Calendar Dates
Opening Days Calendar
Thursday, August 22, 2024
9 a.m.-9 p.m. – Dormitory Prefect Training
Friday, August 23, 2024
9 a.m.-9 p.m. – Dormitory Prefect Training
Saturday, August 24, 2024
10 a.m.-Noon – New International Boarders Arrive, International Boarder Orientation begins
Sunday, August 25, 2024
9 a.m.-Noon – New International Boarder Orientation Continues
2-4 p.m. – New Domestic Boarders Arrive
4:15-5 p.m. – New Boarding Family Orientation (Rowe Hall)
5-6 p.m. – New Boarding Family Dinner (Dining Hall)
6:30-8 p.m. – Form III (Grade 9) and New Parent Night (Rauh Theater, Hillman Center for the Performing Arts)
Monday, August 26, 2024
8 a.m.-3 p.m. – Orientation for ALL Form III (Grade 9) Students
9 a.m.-2 p.m. – Orientation for NEW Form IV and V (Grade 10 and 11) Students
3-5 p.m. – Returning International and Domestic Boarders due back on campus
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
8:15 a.m.-3:05 p.m. – Special Schedule, Cycle Day 0 - Convocation & all classes. Formal Dress
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
9:35 a.m.-3:25 p.m. – Cycle Day 1, regular Wednesday schedule
Thursday-Friday, Aug. 29-30, 2024
8:15 a.m.-3:05 p.m. – Cycle Days 2 & 3, regular schedule
Monday, September 2, 2024
Labor Day – No Classes
Please Note – Dress Code during Opening Days:
- Monday (Orientation Day): Dress is informal (athletic attire is permitted; please wear closed-toe shoes/sneakers)
- Tuesday (Convocation): Formal Dress
- All other days: Regular Daily Dress
Boarding students: Please review the boarding-specific information provided by the Dean of Residential Life Ms. Pamela Boehm.
New Parent Orientation
Form III and New Parent Night will take place in person on Sunday, August 25, from 6:30-8 p.m., in Rauh Theater in the Hillman Center for Performing Arts. At this meeting, parents/guardians new to the Senior School will have a chance to meet with their child’s advisor and learn more about the Senior School from the Head of School, Dean of Student Life, and the Form Deans. Other school personnel, including the Learning Specialist, School Counselor, and Dean of Studies, will be introduced during the program. All Form III (Grade 9) parents and Form IV-VI (Grades 10-12) parents new to the Senior School are encouraged to attend.
New Student Orientation
On Monday, August 26, all new students will be welcomed to the Senior School. This includes all Form III (Grade 9) students as well as any Form IV (Grade 10), Form V (Grade 11), or Form VI (Grade 12) students new to the school. Students will be led by the SSA Peer Leaders and have the opportunity to meet their Form Dean and advisor, walk through their class schedule, get to know fellow new students, and meet additional members of the Senior School faculty and administration. Students will also learn more about how the daily schedule will flow, where they can spend their free time, where things are located on campus, how the dining hall operates, and more. All new students will receive specific information directly from their Form Dean via email during the week of August 19, 2024.
Students should dress comfortably (dress code not required) and wear closed-toe shoes (preferably sneakers, as sandals are not permitted). Lunch will be available and built into the orientation schedule.
Academy Opening Day & Convocation
On Tuesday, August 27, the school year will begin with Convocation, followed by a Cycle Day 0 schedule. Students should be in formal dress and will meet with their advisors at 8:15 a.m. The day will then continue with Convocation followed by a special schedule of shortened classes:
8:15-8:30 a.m. – Designated Rooms (Forms III, IV, and V)
8:15 a.m. – Seniors report to the Hillman Terrace
8:35-9:15 a.m. – Convocation, Senior Quad, or Rauh Theatre
9:20-9:50 a.m. – Day 1, Period 1
9:55-10:25 a.m. – Day 2, Period 1
10:30-11 a.m. – Day 3, Period 1
11:05-11:35 a.m. – Day 4, Period 1
11:40 a.m.-12:30 p.m. – Lunch break
12:35-1:05 p.m. – Day 5, Period 1
1:10-1:40 p.m. – Day 6, Period 1
1:45-2:15 p.m. – Day 7, Period 1
2:20-2:50 p.m. – Day 8, Period 1
Additional Important Calendar Dates
Tuesday, December 17 – Last Day of Classes - Semester 1
Wednesday, December 18 – Semester 1 Final Assessments
Thursday, December 19 – Semester 1 Final Assessments
Friday, December 20 – Semester 1 Final Assessments
Monday, January 6 – First Day of Classes - Semester 2
Tuesday, May 6 – Last Day of Classes - Semester 2
Wednesday, May 7 – Semester 2 Final Assessments
Thursday, May 8 – Semester 2 Final Assessments
Friday, May 9 – Semester 2 Final Assessments
Wednesday, May 14 – Immersive Term and Senior Projects begin
Thursday, June 5 – Immersive Term and Senior Projects end*
Saturday, June 7 – Commencement
*Note: As the classroom experience during the Immersive Term is paramount, barring extenuating circumstances, a student who misses three or more days of the Immersive Term for any reason will receive a failing grade.
Reminders & Forms
Medical & Athletic Forms
Each summer, families are required to complete medical and athletic forms for their students via the Magnus Health system. Most forms can be completed online; forms that require a doctor’s signature can be downloaded, completed, and signed by a doctor and re-uploaded to your Magnus Health account (do not mail or deliver forms to SSA). To access your Magnus Health account, log in to the Veracross Parent Portal and click the gold Magnus Health button.
NOTE: All students must have a physical exam completed and signed by a physician on or after May 1, 2024, on file in Magnus in order to participate in preseason athletics or begin classes in the fall.
Driving on Campus
Licensed student drivers (except Form IV boarding students) are eligible to drive and park on campus as long as they have an SSA parking permit. Permits can be obtained by completing the Senior School Parking Permit Application. Completed applications should be submitted to the Deans’ Office with a copy of the student’s driver’s license and insurance card. Students may pick up their parking permits in the Deans’ Office during the first week of school.
Student Photo/ID
All students are required to have an ID photo taken in order to receive a student ID card. These ID cards are used in the dining hall. Returning students may come to the Deans’ Office to have their pictures taken and receive their ID cards beginning August 19, 2024. New students will receive their ID cards during orientation on August 26, 2024.
School Logistics
- Summer Reading Assignments
- Schedule
- Books
- Lockers
- Bus/Van Transportation
- Drop Off and Pick Up
- Security
- Student Life Program
- Who to Contact
Summer Reading Assignments
This year, all students entering grades 9-12 are required to read two books over the summer: one title for English class, and one title from a list of Pittsburgh-themed books. Please review the information on the Senior School Summer Reading page to find your assigned English text, and select your Pittsburgh-themed book. If you have any questions, please reach out to Lindsey Myers, Director of the Library.
Visit the Summer Information page for more information.
All Form III students and new students will receive their schedules during orientation on Monday, August 26, 2024. Returning students’ schedules will also be made available online via the Veracross Student Portal on Monday, August 26.
Please see below for information regarding our academic daily schedule.
Click image to enlarge schedule
Assembly Periods (Asm) are used for various large and small group gatherings.
- Community Assemblies: Mondays and Fridays
- Designated Rooms: Tuesdays
Period 1: 9:35-10:25 a.m.
Period 2: 10:30-11:20 a.m.
Period 3: 11:25 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Period 4a: 12:20-1:10 p.m.
Period 4b: 12:45-1:35 p.m.
Period 5: 1:40-2:30 p.m.
Period 6: 2:35-3:25 p.m.
There are a limited number of lockers in Rowe Hall. These are first made available to all new students. If there are remaining lockers to be assigned, returning students may request to have a locker by emailing the Dean of Student Life Office.
Bus/Van Transportation
All bus/van transportation begins Tuesday, August 27, 2024. There will be no transportation on Monday, August 26, for orientation. Most school district bus schedules will be sent via mail by the school district starting August 19. A few of the districts will not send information until the Friday before school starts. Each school district that provides busing to the Academy will follow our schedule for our buses. Email Transportation Coordinator Ms. Linda Porter with any questions.
Drop Off and Pick Up
The student morning drop-off location on the Senior School campus is below the Class of 1966 Memorial Hall Library. At the first stop sign, drivers will turn right and drop the student where they can enter Memorial Hall or Glimcher to reach Rowe or walk across the driveway to McIlroy. Parents pull as far forward as you can, so that we can get the most cars behind Rowe for drop-off. The driver can then proceed to the next stop sign, make the right and exit the campus without having to drive through the campus. Due to heavy bus traffic in the morning and to protect the safety of our students, please do NOT ever drop off in the bus lane (right lane) in front of the flagpole.
For students being picked up in the afternoons, please use the Courtyard Side of Rowe Hall. Use the most left-hand lane to drive around the buses and make the right at the stop sign in front of Morewood Hall to proceed to the curbside lane for pick up at the Courtyard. Please do not pick up students in front of Rowe near the flagpole as this is reserved for buses only.
Shady Side Academy is committed to the safety and security of students, faculty, staff, and visitors. The Academy utilizes a locked-door system for campus buildings to maintain a high level of security and to restrict access to credentialed persons. Campus buildings remain locked at all times. Students, faculty, and staff gain access to locked facilities through the use of an Academy-issued credential, either via a smartphone app or a small plastic fob. Each Senior School student will be issued a smartphone credential unless a fob is specifically requested. Students will not be provided with both types of door access. Any student preferring a door access fob instead of a smartphone credential should email New students will be instructed to download the smartphone app and establish credentials at orientation on Aug. 26, 2024.
Visitors to campus should report to the Rowe Hall Courtyard entrance or Bayard House to be screened and receive a visitor badge.
Student Life Program
The Academy has long recognized its obligation to help students become independent people and to maximize the opportunities they have at SSA. This process involves the students embracing their own growth and integrating all aspects of their lives at the Academy. In response to this obligation, the student life program has been established to provide guidance for this growth and integration.
The Deans’ Office is the cornerstone of the student life program. Dean of Student Life Mr. Chad Green oversees student life as chief student advocate. Mr. Green also works closely with Dean of Residential Life Ms. Pamela Boehm to oversee residential (boarding) students and faculty to enhance on-campus life. Form deans work with their respective classes and class officers to organize activities and programs, and to help the dean of student life coordinate and implement the student life curriculum, especially in regards to helping students to develop socially and emotionally.
Form* | Dean (Click to Email) |
Form III (Grade 9) | Mr. J.A. MacDougall |
Form IV (Grade 10) | Mr. Adam Janosko |
Form V (Grade 11) | Mrs. Lindsey Myers |
Form VI (Grade 12) | Mr. Jeff Perlis |
* Please note: Shady Side students are named by form rather than by grade. Ninth graders are in Form III, 10th graders are in Form IV, 11th graders are in Form V, and 12th graders are in Form VI.
Who to Contact
Department | Contact (Click to Email) | Phone |
Academics | Ms. Claire Logsdon | 412-968-3148 |
Advisory Program | Mr. Chad Green | 412-968-3087 |
Athletics | Mr. Sean Simmons | 412-968-3065 |
Attendance | Mrs. Erica Strafalace | 412-968-3117 |
Bus Information | Mrs. Linda Porter | 412-968-3022 |
College Counseling | Mrs. Meg Scott | 412-968-3099 |
Counseling | Dr. Claudia Henry | 412-968-3202 |
Deans' Office | Mrs. Erica Strafalace | 412-968-3117 |
Head of Senior School | Ms. Trixie Sabundayo | 412-968-3001 |
Learning Specialist | Mr. Michael Baranowski | 412-447-2216 |
Nurse | Ms. Melanie Haynes | 412-968-3131 |
Residential Life | Ms. Pam Boehm | 412-968-3117 |
Scheduling | Ms. Rae Ann Cooper | 412-968-3133 |
Spirit Store | Mrs. Amy Davidheiser | 412-968-3009 |
Student Life Advisory Program | Mr. Chad Green | 412-968-3087 |
Dress Standards
The Shady Side Academy dress code upholds standards of dress that reflect the fundamental purpose and ethos of the Academy. The dress code establishes an environment conducive to the enterprise of learning while allowing for individual self-expression bound by the Shady Side’s Guiding Principles of honesty, kindness, responsibility, respect, and safety.
The Academy has four different dress codes (Daily, Formal, Bulldog Dress-Down, and Dress-Down), each reflecting the nature of the particular endeavor. In general, students’ clothing and general appearance should allow for full and comfortable participation in all school activities and a full range of motion - including bending, sitting, and walking up stairs - without the need for frequent readjustment.
Daily Dress
- Dress or casual pants, shorts/skorts/skirts, jumpsuits, rompers, and dresses.
- Dresses: Sleeveless dresses are allowed, but dresses with spaghetti straps must be worn under a cardigan, blazer, or other appropriate/sanctioned outerwear.
- Leggings are allowed only if worn under a skirt or dress. They must be a solid color (no mesh, sheer, colors, patterns, or text).
- Shirts: polos, collared shirts (which must be properly buttoned in front), and tailored shirts that do not resemble T-shirts. Note:
- Henley shirts are allowed.
- Turtlenecks are allowed.
- Lapels on a jacket do not constitute collars.
- “Cold-shoulder” or open-shoulder tops are allowed. Shirts with spaghetti straps are allowed, but only when worn under a cardigan, blazer, or other appropriate/sanctioned outerwear.
- Outerwear: Crew-neck, quarter-zip sweaters and hooded tops are allowed.
- Sweatshirts are allowed, as long as there is no branding, logos or graphics larger than four square inches.
- Exception: SSA-branded sweatshirts do not need to meet the four-square-inch standard.
- Only seniors may wear collared college-branded shirts and/or college-branded sweatshirts and only in Term III. Seniors must meet daily dress standards otherwise.
- Shoes: closed-toe, fully laced and in good repair. Sneakers are allowed. For safety reasons, open-toed shoes (including Crocs and other partially-closed shoes) are not allowed.
- Hats must be removed upon entry to any school building unless a student has permission from the Dean of Student Life.
Formal Dress Standards
Certain days throughout the year are designated as Formal Dress Days (Convocation, Fides Awards, Grandparents & Special Friends Day, Cum Laude, Board of Visitors Day, Prize Day and Commencement.) In an effort to honor our fellow students or an outside performance or speaker, dress clothes should be worn throughout the entire day, from 8:15 a.m.-3 p.m.
• Navy blue blazer (suits are not acceptable)
• White collared dress shirt with tie or blouse with sleeves
• Khaki dress pants or khaki dress skirt
• White dresses may be worn in lieu of khaki dress pants and skirts
• Shoes in good repair (dress shoes, sneakers, athletic shoes)
If the purchase of a blue blazer, khaki pants, a tie or spirit wear presents a financial difficulty, please reach out to the Dean of Student Life Office for assistance.
Bulldog Dress-Down Days
Bulldog Dress-Down Days occur every other week throughout the school year (normally on Fridays). On these days, students are permitted to wear clothing that reflects school spirit and pride during the school day.
- SSA apparel (shirts, shorts, sweatpants, sweatshirts, etc.) is appropriate and encouraged.
- Leggings and jeans may be worn on SSA Spirit Days.
- If not wearing SSA apparel, students must meet daily dress standards.
SSA athletic teams and groups (i.e., theater productions) may request to wear their uniforms (if appropriate) or some form of team wear on the day of a significant contest or in anticipation of an opening event. If the team apparel does not meet Daily Dress standards, the coach or captain must make a request to the Dean of Student Life by noon of the preceding day. Approved requests will be communicated to the team by the coach or captain. Student-athletes who dress down without permission will face dress code violation consequences and will risk having this privilege removed for their entire team. This is an occasional (once or twice per season) and not a regular privilege.
Dress-Down Days
If a Dress-Down Day is declared by the President, Head of School, or Dean of Student Life, jeans and T-shirts in good repair are appropriate. Proper footwear is expected (no flip-flops) and the general guidelines of neat, clean, appropriately fitted and sized clothing are in effect. Students who choose not to follow the Dress-Down Day guidelines must follow the daily dress code or be subject to typical dress code violation consequences.
Prohibited: The following are NOT allowed:
• Flip flops, slippers, athletic slides, open-toed shoes, Crocs, or other partially-closed shoes, shoes in poor repair.
• Exposed undergarments or midriffs.
• Frayed, torn, patched, ripped, sheer, distressed clothes.
• Clothing with profanity or references to drugs or alcohol.
• Visible tattoos, tongue piercings, body piercing (other than modest piercings).
• Camouflage clothing.
• T-shirts worn over collared shirts or unbuttoned collared shirts.
• Blue denim pants, skirts, shorts (denim jackets of any color are permitted).
• Leggings are prohibited as standalone pants. They may be worn only under a skirt or dress except on SSA Spirit Days or Dress-Down Days when athletic wear is permitted.
• Spaghetti straps, strapless, off-the-shoulder tops and dresses (unless worn under a cardigan, blazer, or other appropriate/sanctioned outerwear).
• Athletic clothing, sweatpants, soccer pants or joggers (unless permitted for a SSA Spirit Day, team event or Dress-Down Day).
• Shirts or outerwear of any kind with graphics, brand names, or logos larger than four square inches (unless permitted for a SSA Spirit Day or Dress-Down Day).
It is the responsibility of each student to be familiar with the dress code and to adhere to it on a daily basis. The final arbiter(s) of appropriate dress are the Form Deans and the Dean of Student Life.
Students who are not dressed within the Academy guidelines are sent to the Deans’ Office. The consequences for dress code violations are as follows:
First Offense: The student will serve a detention after school on the day of the offense or the following morning before school. In addition, the offense will be recorded, and an email communication from a Form Dean will be sent to the student, parent/guardian, and advisor.
Second Offense: The student will serve a Detention after school on the day of the offense or the following morning before school. In addition, the student will receive a formal Dean’s Notice.
Third Offense: The student will be referred to the Dean of Student Life for failing to meet community standards. The student should expect to be placed on Disciplinary Warning or referred to the Disciplinary Committee.
NOTE: Student dress code offenses reset to zero at the beginning of each semester if the student has three or fewer dress code violations in a given semester. However, if a student continues to violate the dress code multiple times in consecutive terms, they should expect to be placed on disciplinary warning or referred to the Disciplinary Committee.