Health Services
- Policies
- Medical Forms
- Athletic Forms
- Concussion Policy
- Mandated Health Screenings
- FAQs
- Health Services Staff
Medical Forms
Each summer, parents are required to complete and submit medical forms for each child via the Magnus Health system before the start of the school year. Most forms are electronic and can be completed online in Magnus Health. Forms that require a doctor’s signature can be downloaded from Magnus Health, completed and signed by a doctor, and then re-uploaded to your Magnus Health account (please do not mail or deliver forms to SSA). To access your Magnus Health account, log in to the Veracross Parent Portal and click the Magnus Health button. NOTE: Students missing required physical exam forms and immunization records will not be permitted to begin classes or participate in athletics until forms are received.
Health Condition Care Plans
Some health conditions require an individualized emergency care plan. If your student has an allergy, asthma, diabetes or a seizure disorder, please work with their physician to complete the appropriate care plan and upload it to your child's Magnus Health account. Note: Plans do not have to be on these specific forms; plans generated by the physician’s office are acceptable.
If your student has a condition not listed here that requires an individualized emergency plan, please contact the school nurse on their campus.
Athletic Forms
Shady Side Academy requires all students in grades 6-12 to submit completed PIAA CIPPE Sections 1-7 athletic forms via the Magnus Health system by Aug. 1 each year. Per PIAA rules, any students missing these forms may not participate in athletic practices or contests. The Section 7 physical exam form must be completed and signed by a physician after June 1 and is required for students to attend classes, regardless of whether they are playing a sport. Access your Magnus Health account by logging into the Veracross Parent Portal and clicking the Magnus Health button.
The PIAA CIPPE Section 8 (Re-Certification by Parent/Guardian) form must be turned in by students competing in winter and spring sports prior to those seasons. The parent must complete the form online in Magnus Health no sooner than six weeks from the start of the season.
The PIAA CIPPE Section 9 (Re-Certification by Physician) form must be turned in by any student who required medical treatment from a physician after submitting Sections 1-7. A physician must complete and sign the form giving general or limited clearance for the student to participate in athletics.
Concussion Policy
To ensure their safety, all SSA student-athletes receive a baseline concussion test to determine baseline brain functioning. If your child sustains a concussion during the school day or during a Shady Side Academy athletic event, parent/guardians will be notified by the nurse or athletic trainer. At that time, the nurse or athletic trainer will refer the student to a physician who will be able to complete a more thorough exam. Written documentation from a physician is required to implement academic and athletic accommodations. Likewise, to be cleared from concussion accommodations written documentation is required from a physician. No student will be cleared for athletics without this documentation. If your child sustains a concussion outside of Shady Side Academy, it is the parent’s responsibility to inform the school nurse and to provide documentation from a physician. The school nurse will work in conjunction with athletic trainers, coaches, teachers, advisors, and counselors to ensure accommodations are followed as per physician orders.
For more information about concussions and concussion protocol, visit the Athletic Training page or contact your school nurse.
Mandated Health Screenings
- Vision: Annually - grades Kindergarten through grade 12
- Hearing: Annually - grades Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 7, and 11
- Height and Weight: Annually - including calculation of Body Mass Index - grades Kindergarten through grade 12.
Q: My child is not feeling well this morning (throwing up, fever). Can they come to school later in the day if they are feeling better?
A: For the safety and well-being of not only your child but others in school, we require a student to stay home for 24 hours after their fever has broken (without the use of fever-reducing medication such as Tylenol) or after vomiting. Please refer to the Academy Illness Policy.
Q: My child suffered a blow to the head (either in athletics or accidentally). What should I do?
A: Concussions are serious head injuries that require medical attention. The Academy has a policy and support team in place to assist students in the recovery process. Please refer to the Concussion Policy. As a parent, it is important to report your child’s injury to the athletic trainer or school nurse. While your child is at home, limit screen time (computers, cell phones, television), encourage rest as much as possible, and if your child attempts to do school work, encourage them to take a short break after 15 minutes or so or when they become symptomatic. Please contact a school nurse or athletic trainer with any further questions or concerns.
Q: My child is ill and will need to take a medication while at school (or while living in the dorm for boarding students). How do I handle this?
A: The Academy Medication Policy states that no student is permitted to carry medications (or have medications in their dorm room) whether they are prescribed or over-the-counter medications. The ONLY exception to this is for students requiring life-saving medications such as an inhaler or an EpiPen. Any other medication needs to be stored in the school nurse’s office in its original prescription bottle and will require a Physician’s Order for the medication to be administered. All four school nurses are available during the school day for medication administration. The Senior School nurse is also available Monday-Thursday nights during study hours at a designated time for those boarding students requiring medications before bed. Please contact your school nurse with any further questions.
Health Services Staff