Summer 2020 Professional Development

Teaching during a pandemic presents us with many challenges but also many opportunities. Since its inception, Shady Side Academy has been known for engaging students in a quality education that prepares them for their future. Though the circumstances under which we are called to educate our students has changed, our mission remains the same. 

In order to adapt to these new circumstances, we are called to examine all the aspects of our practice. The environment in which we teach is changing rapidly and our best response is to take a posture of continuous improvement. This summer, there will be many opportunities for you to continue to expand your expertise by participating in a plethora of professional development opportunities. We remain committed to supporting and developing our students, and providing them with the best possible learning experience.


Develop a personalized professional development plan that will support and enhance your pedagogical skill development.

Please note that all graduate level and certification programs do not qualify for the summer learn and earn program.  

Please submit funding requests for these opportunities through a Faculty Study Grant or department funds.

Learn & Earn!

To encourage faculty members to take advantage of professional development opportunities to further develop their distance learning pedagogy, Shady Side Academy will cover the cost of registration and materials and provide a per diem for approved programs. The per diem is based on the time spent engaging in professional development:

  • $50 for a program that is designed for 2-3 hours of work (no compensation for under 1 hour)
  • $100 for a program that is designed for 4-6 hours of work. 

In order to receive the per diem, a faculty member must submit the application form with a written summary that includes a paragraph explaining the structure and content of the program (beyond the description that is on the program’s website) and one paragraph explaining how they plan to use the information learned. Faculty must also complete the learning outcome (as identified in the application).

For Questions & Support

If you would like support moving through the personalized PD design process, contact

If you are interested in helping to design learning in the fall, contact Peter Mathis or Jody Kokladas about being part of the hybrid design team.