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Middle School Donates Gifts to 65 Children for Angel Tree Project through Fox Families Care

The Shady Side Academy Middle School Community Service Committee recently brought the spirit of the season to life with its annual Angel Tree event, a heartfelt initiative aimed at supporting families in need. From November 20 to December 11, 2024, a school-wide donation drive was held in conjunction with Fox Families Care, a local nonprofit organization that works to bridge the gap between the needs and resources of children and families in the Fox Chapel Area School District.

In the lobby of the school, a beautifully decorated tree stood adorned with paper angel cards. Each card contained information about a child who attends the Head Start Program at The Counsel of Three Rivers American Indians and suggestions for gifts that would bring joy to their holiday season. Students eagerly selected cards, purchased the requested items, and returned the gifts in festive bags.

Teachers Lauren Messner, Katharine Pryor, Pam Onest, and Tim Sutton, the dedicated leaders of the Community Service Committee, oversaw the event and ensured its success. Their guidance inspired students to embrace the true meaning of giving, as the lobby soon filled with colorful gift bags ready to be delivered to families.

Altogether, Middle School students and families generously fulfilled 65 gift requests for the Angel Tree Drive.

The Angel Tree event is a shining example of how Shady Side Academy's ethos of compassion and service continues to create positive change, one act of kindness at a time.

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