The Middle School recently transported audiences to a whimsical world with its production of "Alice in Wonderland," a one-act adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s classic tale, written by Randy Wyatt. The public performance took place on Friday, November 22, at 7:00 p.m. in the Middle School cafeteria, delighting family and friends with its creativity and charm.
The story followed Alice, played by Maria K., as she read in a field with her sister and spotted a white rabbit with a bow tie, played by Charlotte W. Intrigued, she followed the rabbit down a hole and tumbled into Wonderland—a topsy-turvy world where logic bent and nothing was quite as it seemed. Along the way, Alice encountered peculiar characters like the enigmatic Cheshire Cat (Eira P.), the eccentric Mad Hatter (Brylie M.), and the March Hare (Rowan B.), who hosted an endless tea party. Throughout the journey, Alice discovered new aspects of herself, learning to navigate chaos and uncovering her true self.
Beyond the captivating storyline, Alice in Wonderland was a true team effort, with students contributing to every aspect of the production. From designing and painting sets to pulling and sewing costumes, the students’ creativity and dedication were evident. Amelia S., who played the Pigeon and Knave of Hearts, also led set design, while Maria K. and Assistant Director Kelly Hart collaborated to sew costumes. The cast and crew grew immensely during the process, showcasing both artistic and personal development.
The small but mighty cast delivered standout performances, including Mikayla H. as the Queen of Hearts and Owen W. as the Caterpillar and King of Hearts. Each actor worked diligently to bring their characters to life, adding depth and vibrancy to this fantastical tale.
The production also featured original music, composed and recorded by Jeremy Fisher, which added a unique layer of magic to the show. Directed by Kristan Fisher and supported by Assistant Director Kelly Hart, the play came together with the help of countless individuals, including staff, faculty, and parents who lent their expertise and encouragement.
With imaginative sets, vibrant costumes, and a heartfelt message at its core, the Middle School’s "Alice in Wonderland" was a performance to remember.